Tubes for a Conrad Johnson 17LS?

I just purchased a (used) CR 17LS Pre. This is not the 17LS2 version. I haven't got it home yet, but I'm already wondering if there's some experience out there with 6922 tubes. Also, are there other tube types that will work in this unit that are not 6922s? Thank you in advance, for your time!

I use the gold pined EH6922's in my premier 16 and I am very satisfied with them. I can not comment as to their sonic superiority over the non gold pined. You can buy the gold pined ($15.99) and non gold pined ($8.99) 6922's by a venfor on this site. His user name is 4380134d on audiogon; he currently has an active ad running. I have bought from him in the past and can recommend him.

I do not believe cj sells the gold pin version; you would have to ask them. I would not concern myself with matched pairs for signal tubes, such as the 6922's. Only power tubes and then only if you have limited ability to bias the power tubes.


I ordered a set (4) of the EH6922 with gold pins. I will post my impressions once I have had a chance to evaluate them. If they work out well, I may order a second set and get them cryoed to see if that makes a difference.

What was the burn-in period in your experience?


Good, I hope they work out for you. If memory serves me correctly burn in time was around 50 hours or so. I would be interested in your experience with the cryoed set if you decide to try it.
