Can you have too many tubes?

Hi...I have a TAD-150 signature tube preamp driving a Rogue Audio 90 tube amp. My front end is a Michell Gyro SE II with a Clearaudio Viruoso MM cartride. Would I be moving up if I added a dedicated phono stage? And if so, should it be tube or SS? Any recommendations are appreciated.
Ag insider logo xs@2xkdbrink
Only 200??? I bet if you added up all the ones in the studio........and that big trunk that you have.......

(Albert has a trunk of output tubes, sorted as to how each sounds, and can be swapped out depending on source material.) would add up to more than 200.

You're going after 33 Mullard EL-34's?!!! Did I mention that I am your long lost brother, cousin, nephew, uncle [pick one]?

Truth is, I am still planning a test with 2 pair of Air Tight ATM-3 mono's (instead of 1 pair of ATM-3's plus 1 pair of VTL 750's).

The pair I have now are tubed up with Tele drivers and Mullard XF2's EL34's. Another pair of Air Tights will REQUIRE 12 more Mullards minimum, assuming no careful matching or spares.

Add the fact that each of my four Aesthetix outboard power supplies require two more Mullards each (8 total) and you can see why 33 tubes are not too many.

Actually like AR_t should add up to more than 200.

At least in my dreams :^).
Albertporter, my comment about the 33 Mullards was in no way meant as any kind of criticism. I was impressed with someone who would spend the time effort, and MONEY to go with the best...33 times, no less. I'm sure that you will!
Albert, I think that you need to adopt me so that I can gain access to some of those resources that you use to buy your 110 tubes!!! :-)
I have 18 tubes right now & am considering adding another 20 (power amp).
How many tubes you have in boxes doesn't count. If it did, I got y'all beat. But does a vacuum tube LP cutter system count??