A Love Supreme

Last night while listening to NPR I heard Coltrane's "A Love Supreme" playing in the background. It had been a while since I had listened to the album and I felt compelled to run downstairs and put it on. I sat there mesmerized and came to the conclusion that this recording really does capture more of his soul/emotion than probably any other. It just resonates. Can anyone help me out here?

p.s. I also really love Alabama on Live at Birdland and Spiritual on the Village Vanguard recordings.
I don't think you need any help! "A Love Supreme" is Coltrane at his most passionate - it can rivet you in your seat.
I'm not sure what you want help with -- if you were mesmerized by this recording, I'd say you have pretty damn good taste in jazz and don't need much help.

"A Love Supreme" is, without doubt, Trane's most personal recorded statement. It was composed shortly after Coltrane managed to kick a serious drug habit, at a period of time that he turned to God for help. Trane not only kicked the drug habit, but smoking as well, and thereafter his artistic career took off.

If you are interested in more information about this recording, and this period in Trane's life, let me know and I'll be glad to send you a lengthier commentary.

Best regards,

Scott C-
When I said "can anybody help me out", I meant "can anyone back me up here by agreeing?" I was just wondering how others felt and was also hoping to spur folks to sit back down and listen if it had been a while. It's like an old friend that warms the spirit. Good stuff.