music for a broken heart

looks like my girlfriend and i are not going to make it. not because we don't love each other - we do - we simply live too far away from each other and for a couple of very good reasons neither one of us can move. that's enough on that painful topic but i would love to hear people's suggestions regarding music to get me through this very, very difficult time.


Well Gregg,
maybe you should listen to something more upbeat but......Blood On The Tracks by Bob Dylan is an obvious one.
As is In The Wee Small Hours by Frank Sinatra.
A more obscure artist but really one of the best at writing broken hearted and downbeat songs,with no small amount of humour,truth and insight is Mark Eitzel.
Check out his Songs Of Love Live or his albums with American Music Club-California and Everclear being his most commercial and arguably best.
Voted songwriter of the year by Rolling Stone in '91,the best of his work is really worth checking out.
He's a lost American songwriting genius.
Good luck
Sorry to hear that. Having been in a similar situation before, all i can tell you is:


Best wishes and Good Luck... Sean
No Country music??? Gads,that's what country music is for. One of the few original American genres of music;and made for just the occasion. /Like an Italian menu with no pasta /. Ray Price: "For The Good Times"
If you want to explore the depths of lost love, try Mickey Newberry Frisco Mabel Joy. I know he is classified as a country musician, but the song writing is absolute poetry. Not upbeat, but helped me get through the worst loss.

A completely different, much more uplifting record is Graham Nash Songs for Beginners. Again, this one worked for me and I still listen to it regularly.

Finally, try some early Tom Waits (first 2 records) or Lenord Cohen. Poetry of loss often is the poetry of real gain.

Keep an open heart... Edward
I think Chris Speed's album "emit" works wonders when your feeling down. It is sort of somber and playful with notes that are filled with emotion always with a feeling that there is a glimmer of hope. I thought it helped me to feel a little better after my Mom died. Take care.