Guitar lessons in NY area

Anyone knows where I can get electric guitar lessons in NY area?
Talk to Mario at Toys From the Attic, goes by the moniker TFTA here and has a web site he sells guitars, audio gear and watchs, don't ask me how but it all works! I think they do lessons there if not he will be able to point you in the right direction. By the way where are you in NY?

Scott Kuney- busy in just about all areas of the music scene; jazz, Broadway, "downtown", also a good classical player. Mid-forties, likeable and laid back kind of guy.

Jay Berliner- great studio player, who I believe, still teaches, all styles.

Steve Bargonetti- Bad, bad, bad guitar player. Great guy, a bit of emphasis on the metaphysical side of things. Great musician.

If you are interested in contacting any of these guys, call the American Federation of Musicians at 212-245-4802; ask for "directory" and explain that you are interested in studying with these guys, and they should give you their phone numbers. If they won't or if you want to discuss this further, contact me via e-mail and I would be glad to give you their numbers and discuss it with you. These are busy professional player/teachers and it won't be particularly cheap to study with them; but they are great. There are other less established player/teachers who will do a good job, if not on the same level, and charge somewhat less. I would be glad to give you some of these names as well if you contact me.

Good luck, and whichever route you go, have a great time studying your instrument and listen, listen, listen to great players and their recordings.

All the best.
Marakanetz, funny you should ask. I am one of New York's most successful guitar teachers. I teach popular styles to beginners and intermediate players. Popular means learning to play your favorite songs, usually in a rock, folk, blues, pop, funk, or metal style. I leave the Classical and advanced Jazz training to those who specialize at teaching those styles. The most important thing to look for is a teacher that has a full time practice. There are many fine guitar players who have a few students on the side, but it takes a tremendous effort to put together a real teaching method, and many years of refining it so that every student can follow it easily.
My teaching method follows the path that a child follows when learning a language, they speak before they read. I get people playing songs in less than 6 weeks, usually within 3 weeks, adding in the details step by step over time, the same way language is developed.
I charge by the lesson, whereas some teachers or schools insist on a pre paid series of lessons.
You can ring me at (212) 579-3342 between 10 AM to 8 PM if you would like more info.
Martin Butler
Happy holidays
Martin, you beat me to the punch, I just saw this thread. Happy Holidays to you!
I have no reason to doubt that Martin is a very good teacher, and I certainly respect his confidence in his method. But I would like to respectfully disagree with the assertion that wether a teacher is a fulltime teacher or not is the most important consideration. The fact that a musician is an active player as well as a teacher is most certainly not a handicap as far as his/her teaching ability is concerned; it can actually be quite an advantage, for many obvious reasons. Fine players with "a few students on the side" can be, and certainly in the case of the player/teachers that I mentioned, dedicated teachers who teach because they love to teach, as well as play; and implement very thoughtfull and creative teaching techniques which are enriched by their extensive professional playing experience.

Marakanetz, I don't know wether you are a beginner or not, and what your long term goals for your guitar playing are; but I would certainly take very seriously Martin's advise that you look for a teacher with a solid and well thought out method like he himself has. But based on my experience and the experience of most musicians that I know, you should not rule out a potential teacher because he happens to be an active player. After many years of study with a variety of teachers I cannot think of a single teacher that I have had who wasn't also a working instrumentalist.

Best of luck.