I will probably draw much wrath with this response, but here goes: I understand what the major labels are trying to do, is to protect their financial interest and, yeah, even throw the artists a penny or two. My older brother, 50, was very proud telling me one day that the CD I loaned him, The Fairfield Four - "Standing in the Safety Zone" (very good recording by the way, that bass voice can go so low and actually have a definite pitch, he can hit notes I can't even croak in a whisper) was the most popular CD to be burned/copied in the Firehouse (yes, he's a fireman) - 21 times!! I wanted to strangle him. And this is just one instance in one small city in the laid-back state of Iowa. What goes on in New York, California, etc?
Yes, I can see protecting your interests, but not to the point of potentially ruining product for others and, then, being sneaky enough to not tell anyone which are coded and which are not.
They have fallen to a new low.
Yes, I can see protecting your interests, but not to the point of potentially ruining product for others and, then, being sneaky enough to not tell anyone which are coded and which are not.
They have fallen to a new low.