Alice and Chains

I realize a few of you out there enjoy their music(david99 and a few others) this just in:
SEATTLE, Washington (CNN) -- King County authorities said a body found in a Seattle residence has been identified as that of Layne Staley, 34, lead singer of the rock group Alice in Chains.
The partially decomposed body was found Friday in Staley's home in the city's University District, King County Sheriff's Sgt. Cameron Webster said.
Investigators performed an autopsy to identify Staley, said Monty Nelson, an official with the medical examiner's office.
He said the cause and manner of death will be determined after more investigation.
Alice in Chains formed in 1987 and was prominent in Seattle's music scene, which included "grunge rock" groups such as Nirvana, Pearl Jam and Soundgarden.
Fans in Seattle and Boston were organizing candlelight vigils and memorial ceremonies to pay tribute to Staley, according to postings on the band's Web site

Another sad day for rock fans.
oops typo the title obviously should have been alice IN chains, but I am sure those who are interested will put two and two together.

What a way to go. Junked up to the point that you kill yourself and they find you so rotted that they can't identify the body. I guess that's where "denying your maker" will get you...... Sean
I was one of many in raves over the Seattle grunge metal scene. Layne's death is just another nail in the coffin for grunge. His raucous and planitive singing style accompanied by sledgehammer guitar riffs was something that made albums like Dirt, Jar Of Flies and SAP some of the best rock albums in the nineties. Sadly bands like AIC will be remembered for their drug excesses and wanton lifestyle, not their music. Kurt's death never did send any strong signals to the community. Layne once sang: "You'll be well advised not to plan my funeral before the body dies." (from the song Grind) It seems he knew he may never last the pace. Alice In Chains will always be remembered. At least for me, thanks to their music.
Very sad. I thought he had a great voice.

Actually, no studies I have seen (more than a few) show that faith itself correlates with depression. I am a psych major writing a thesis with a small part pertaining to the correlation between affiliation and depression, so i run in to religion/depression reseach a lot.