I turn the big Half-Century today

What music did you listen to when YOU turned fifty?
I'm gonna start with the Stones' Flashpoint, then maybe the Schubert D960 Sonata, Faure's Requiem (gulp!), and maybe that in-your-face chamber Carmina Burana out of Sweden a few years ago.
Any other suggestions? And please, I don't need Krall breathing in my ear...I'll let Ellen do the honors.
Ernie: How about some Glenn Yarbrough to Lite up your 50th (maybe a little Phil Ochs for the rebel in you as well:-)? Congratulations, I have a couple more years before I join you and will probably just get drunk while eating cooked snails and raw meat @ a local dive with Chloe and a few friends.
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"i was so much older then,
i'm younger than that now."

-robt. zimmerman

sez it all, ernie. happy .05 millenium.
I crossed over about 2 months ago. My wife invited me out to dinner, and when I got there, found she had also asked about 30 of my best (old and not so old) friends. The hubub in the room at the restaurant was the sweetest music I've heard in a long time. Right up there with the birth of my son as a highlight; more fun than our wedding cause I didn't have any of the stress of planning it.

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