Interconnect with great dynamics and bass slam ,

I recently purchased some Cardas Golden cross sepaker cables. They replaced my Dh Lab Q10s. I replaced the Q10s because i was getting some upper mid freq brightness.
I have Golden Cross interconnects from preamp to amp and from cd player to pre amp. The sound is very smooth and detailed .The bass and mid bass is not as authorative or as tight. The highs are better - more detailed and smooth.
The problem is the sound is almost too smooth the bass is kind of rounded off now .The sound is less dynamic.
My Question is.
Is there an interconnect that could give me back that great bass and dynamics of that i had with the Q10s, without the harshness i was getting. I think i would like to keep the Golden Cross speaker cables and try changing the ICs. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
I gotta tell you guys exactly what started this extremely strong ongoing passion for audio gear that I have so wholeheartedly embraced!

"IT" was a nice, clean Marantz 2270 that I picked up used in the early 90's. I loved it so much! More than my 280zx, more than my FJ-40 Landcruiser, and more than my girlfriend at the time too! LOL It sounded so damn nice(just "a bit" on the warm musical side of course, hehe). It changed my life. Music sounded better thru the 2270 than anything else I had heard. I had some Kimber 4PR hooked up to a pair of Large Advent loudspeakers with beautiful beveled walnut veneered cabinets. The Marantz and the Advents were both as old as I was. It did not matter to me because newer equipment in my price range at that time didn't sound half as good as that combo. I'll never forget that excitement. I think that is what keeps me going with this expensive hobby. It really is such a thrill to hear great music presented with such grace and beauty!!!

I have obviously bettered the old Marantz by a good margin with the gear I have now, but not by enormous leaps and bounds. Sometimes I wonder how much $$ I would have in the bank if I would have just kept the 2270 and Advents? LOL! Hey, do you think Tara Labs would re-terminate my Air 1 speaker cable with some straight pin connectors??? LOL!
@ waxwaves, A mouth full of miller, you love high-end audio better than the girl friend at the time, better than all your auto mobiles!, Man, you are a nut!I litterly laughed out of my chair!, hey, try to convince grey9hound the air1 does get better with 150 to 200 hours of time!, I had to rebreak-in my zero gold I/c and omega gold, No, kidding!,200 hrs!, sounds off the chain now!, I am spoiled for life now!, the main problem with that waxwaves is, when I hear another very exspensive high-end system, they sound broken to me, badly!, oh well!, A cheers of budice to waxwaves!
04-30-13: Waxwaves
John, I just studied up some more on our thread here. John, here's to you getting back on your isolation feet buddy....:) It's obvious that you are very well liked here on the forum and I must say I think you are real asset to us all. Thanks for all the good news, well informed suggestions, superlative sense of humor, and for always keeping it real. I sure am glad you are still here man.

Thank you very much Waxwaves! You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. I appreciate all of your comments, thank you, and keep them coming.

I liked your next post too, about what got you started in this insanity. For me it was discovering Legacy Audio speakers back in the mid 80's. Back then, Bill Duddleston was building them out of his garage, and I stumbled upon them in a small fine print ad in the back of Audio magazine. They sent me literature about all sorts of gear I had never heard of before, Vandersteen, Martin Logan, etc. Their literature also mentioned some magazines that I had never heard of before, Stereophile and TAS. Well I bought me a pair of them there Legacy speakers and subscribed to Stereophile and TAS and have been off to Oz ever since. LOL!!

I stuck with Legacy for about 12 years, buying 3 different models, before moving on to other speakers. I felt that Legacy's quality went downhill as they became more and more popular. I'm sure this is a common occurrence in the industry. Advertising and marketing ain't free, that money has to come from somewhere, and usually it comes out of the product
@ jmcgrogan2, I used to subscribe to the same magazines!, I loved them!, Thinking about doing it again!, I have not had one of those mags since 2001!, I miss them badly!, cheers!
@Audiolab, I let my subscriptions lapse several years ago. I have no intention of re-subscribing, as it just fans the flames of this disease by constantly making you believe that what you have now is inferior, and the newest version X.3.5 is the best by a wide margin now. LOL!!

It's all a scam!!! I find much more realistic information here on these threads with REAL audiophiles, then by reading professional reviews by reviewers whose bias' are very transparent to me now.