04-30-13: Waxwaves
John, I just studied up some more on our thread here. John, here's to you getting back on your isolation feet buddy....:) It's obvious that you are very well liked here on the forum and I must say I think you are real asset to us all. Thanks for all the good news, well informed suggestions, superlative sense of humor, and for always keeping it real. I sure am glad you are still here man.
Thank you very much Waxwaves! You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. I appreciate all of your comments, thank you, and keep them coming.
I liked your next post too, about what got you started in this insanity. For me it was discovering Legacy Audio speakers back in the mid 80's. Back then, Bill Duddleston was building them out of his garage, and I stumbled upon them in a small fine print ad in the back of Audio magazine. They sent me literature about all sorts of gear I had never heard of before, Vandersteen, Martin Logan, etc. Their literature also mentioned some magazines that I had never heard of before, Stereophile and TAS. Well I bought me a pair of them there Legacy speakers and subscribed to Stereophile and TAS and have been off to Oz ever since. LOL!!
I stuck with Legacy for about 12 years, buying 3 different models, before moving on to other speakers. I felt that Legacy's quality went downhill as they became more and more popular. I'm sure this is a common occurrence in the industry. Advertising and marketing ain't free, that money has to come from somewhere, and usually it comes out of the product