there is no difference between "musical" music and "ordinary music". music is pitch, timbre and harmonics.
there is no medium for communicating music is universally accepted. enjoyment can come from a $10.00 walkman or a $1,000,000 high end stereo system.
receptivity to the music is more important than any other factor.
certain combinations of frequencies, presented at certain intervals is pleasing to some people.
i see no evidence that there is some music that is universally popular. some people react minimally to music, or rarely listen to it.
there is no medium for communicating music is universally accepted. enjoyment can come from a $10.00 walkman or a $1,000,000 high end stereo system.
receptivity to the music is more important than any other factor.
certain combinations of frequencies, presented at certain intervals is pleasing to some people.
i see no evidence that there is some music that is universally popular. some people react minimally to music, or rarely listen to it.