No Stairway and no Free bird.. please...

Hello Audiogoners I would like to hear your input...

Im starting a new band (i play six string)and plan on doing some originals but mostly cover tunes with the new band.. I Finally found another really good bass player (After the
first practice he asked me if i burned?) Geez..I hope i can keep this one out of jail :-) I said no but talk to the drummer... You know drummers. We have already been asked to play few gigs and we dont even have a vocalist yet.. this
is gonna be intresting.

Anyway this is just for fun and we will be playing some local clubs, large parties and watering holes.

I told the rest of the guys in the band to pick 3 covers:

The drummer says:

Jimmy hendrix- Red house, I say great!
Jimmy hendrix- Voodoochile, I say great!
Stevie Ray- Texas flood, I say great!

Bass players says:

Slayer- not sure which song yet but i said ok but
if doesnt go over well he's gonna have to pick
something else.

Primus- Same thing.

Rage against the Macine- Yes i agree!

My picks:

Alice in chains- Would
Rage against the machine- Killing in the name
Steve vai- For the love of god

Were going to need quite a few more.. I would love to
hear from some of you guys/gals on this.

Any suggestions?
Neil Young's "Cortez The Killer"; Jimmy Reed's "Baby What You Want Me To Do"; I second Pink Floyd's "Comfortably Numb". Have FUN!!!!
Voodoochile, if you can pull off "For the Love of God", you're way out of my league as a guitar player :) Vai and Zappa have been mentioned, but how about "My guitar wants to kill your mama"? I would have to do that one if I ever started a band, as well as 'Suffragete City', 'H-A-T-R-E-D' by Tonio K, and if you want to mellow out, "Adventures in a Yorkshire Landscape" by Be-Bop Deluxe, and "Save my life I'm going down for the last time" by Head East. You know, if you play half of the suggestions listed here, you will have a very unusual set list!
Whippin post is a great song or that other one Midnight Rider? I will talk to the guys on one of those...

Jeff.. I will check out your recomandations.

I really like the guitar solo in Comfortably numb.. A very cool song I think thats a keeper for sure.


For the love of god.. Is not as hard as it sounds.. Once
you get the "feel" and "sustain" down its very do-able
give it a try and let it rip! I also love My guitar wants
to kill your mama. Great song! every rock guitar player
can relate to that one :-)

Keep em coming guys...

I need to mix it up but also keep it somewhat mainstream.
How about some Tool? any Tool fans?
Or how about some ZZ so the girls can dance? which song?
What about some Black Crowes? which song?
Parabol and Parabola are an excellent tandem from their latest, but not sure if it's great gig material.

If you're looking at Tool, I'd look at LIbras by Perfect Circle.

Have Fun!
Voodoochile, don't dismiss "Freebird". Once you get a vocalist have him (her?) do it as an unacommpanied solo vocal. At first the audience won't recognize the song, but when they do it will slay them. Check out the ending of the film "Duets" to see how it would go over.