OK, A'Gon/guys: I like to print the odd thread but

Why the cute yellow background? I just printed for my binder a great thread started by Zoya who was looking for online Cd suppliers. Can you please give us the optin to dispense with the yellow background? Yes, it is cute...but how many of us would go elsewhere if the yellow was not there?

Oh, and my compliments on your overall presentation and search engine....others should learn from you!!!!!!!

Why don't you simply cut and paste (Control/C, Control/V) what you want to print into your word processing program and then print? Every M$ OS has Wordpad. You'll have two windows open when doing this, so use the Alt/Tab shortcut while jogging between the open windows. You can even go further in an effort to save ink. File, Print, Properties, Ink Saver, OK. Simple solution.

If you are unfamiliar with what I mean by Control/C, etc., you simply press the Control key and while holding it down press the C key. Let go and the item is copied, the Control/V command is done the same way to paste.
Great point Lugnut. By the way, you can also copy the thread onto your word processing program. This may allow for an even greater amount of flexibility to edit the content prior to printing.
Like lugnut I just copy and paste into a Word document. You can edit it, make notes about it, save it as a file and it makes printing easy.

I remain.
When in brouser click on TOOLS - INTERNET OPTIONS - ADVANCED - find PRINTING options and unselect "Print background colors and images".
Good luck.
Just one more possibility: If you want to print the thread as is: When the printer dialogue box comes up just choose printing to be done in black (& white) only. The yellow will become a light grey.
