"Junk" LP listings on audiogon - get rid of 'em

I've been a member of our community for a little more than a year and a half and in that time I have seen a slow degradation of quality in the Classified Section of audiogon - particularly in regard to LP's. I know it's a "free" listing and maybe that's the problem. There are some audiophile listings of quality items but mostly it's just junk. I think it might be an idea to set some standards for these listings. Audiophile-quality records only or maybe near-mint listings only. I'm just tired of wading through scores of "crap" listings...if I want to do that I can always log on to eBay...
I agree that there needs to be a limit on the # of free music ads. Maybe two per catagory at a time, 20 items per ad. My 0.02.
Ed has a point. A good point.

Too often I have gone to look at a used piece of gear only to find the idiot selling it owned a total of 6 CD's.
(All made of "gold pressed latinum" mind you....)

Many "audiophiles" have a lot in common with the car audio "SPL" boys. (You know the ones who can hit the highest DB's for bragging rights? For those of you that dont know, they play a sine wave with banks of amps and woofers. Whoever has the loudest BUZZZZ wins!)

How are audiophiles and SPL folks alike?
They have lost thier way. Forgotten what it is really about.

(I need to get back to my 1969 crummy Dead tape now.)

As long as it doesn't cost anything here and it's easier than Ebay we're going to have people selling the scorpion's and slayer LPs.
I don't mind the listings, but it seems to me there was better material here before.
Ed. Noses in the air? On this site? Wadda ya mean?

Let me ask this. In what way are all the "junk" LP's that some of you are whining about effecting your ability to buy the music you purportedly seek? Is it that you have to wade through what you don't want among standard pressings to find that MFSL audiophile(?) half-speed master that would otherwise appear by itself and save you grazing effort? Is it that you have to bear the utter insult of sifting through umpteen Metallica and Abba LPs' to get to that coveted Bartok? Is it that must slog through a swamp of $5 LP's to get that $30 one that just has to be better? Or is it that you resent someone listing and selling LP's without paying a fee? I don't get it.

As for myself, I've sold only a few LP's on this site and bought a couple handfuls. I got taken badly on one occasion, but all the rest have been good experiences. Taking a quick look at the feedback for those that seem to be frequent sellers on this site, it would appear that the vast majority are serving a need and doing so in a way that is not causing much dissatisfaction between buyer and seller.

Oh, and heaven forbid that a pedestrian $5 LP would find its way onto this hallowed site. I mean, really, it could lead to listings for Aiwa boomboxes. :-0

Maybe this. Mandate that every sale be an auction with $1 opening bid and no reserve. That would test the market.
Oh boo-hoo-hoo!
Really, have we become so lazy and spoiled, that a second or two spent to click through stuff that doesn't interest us has become a major Herculean task of arduous labor?!!! Agon is a great audio/video website that has something for everyone, from novice to electronic master wizard. And it's a VERY easy site to navigate through, unlike a few of the other AV sites!