Ozzfest,can I handle it?

I want to go Aug.11th and take my daughters boyfriend (17)
Korn and Disturbed are also with The Oz Man.
I'll be 48 by then.
My only concern is the rowdy kids.
I like all 3 bands and have most of their music so thats no problem.
Will I get creamed??
Break out a musty old UFO or Triumph concert tee, preferably faded from black to grey/purple, and nobody will have any interest in you at all one way or another.
As an old fogey myself (43, with premature grey hair), I go to hard rock concerts all the time (Audioslave, Coldplay, Disturbed, Godsmack, STP, etc...) and have never gotten bothered by anyone.

Two bits of advice:

One, staying out of the Mosh pit area is good advice from Riley804.

(FYI: The Mosh pit is the area directly in front of the stage where the kids (Man, I feel old for saying that!), lift their buddies up and push them around over their heads, until they reach the edge of the pit, at which point they usually fall to the ground, sometimes on people, and usually on their heads!)

Two, bring some small, in the ear earplugs (or wads of tissue). If you sit near the speakers (and near means within 50 yards!), your ears can get temporary or even permanent damage relatively quickly. Putting in the ear plugs will only slightly dampen the sound, but will protect your delicate eardrums from being damaged, thus ruining the years of effort of putting together a multi-thousand dollar stereo system. (STP had my ear ringing for a couple of months before it cleared up. Thank God!)

PS Both Audioslave and Coldplay are currently touring, and both are putting on great shows!

Have fun! I wish I could go, but it is during the week in my location, and we don't have daycare for the young one, and two years old is way to young for that kind of music!
Kurt-Thanks for the advice!
I do know what a mosh pit is,I used to date one.
The Venue has seats in front of the stage. 1000 maybe? then a fence and grassy hill area.That area holds ~6000-7000? I imagine the pit will be just in back of the fence.Regardless,its standing room only in the grassy area.
I guess I'll just do as my bro did.Punch some kid in the forehead if he picks a fight with me,then run like Hell!

If you stay away from the pit, you should be fine. Keep in mind that if you are near the pit, you can be in it in a second (it can expand quickly). Besides that, have fun! I agree on the earplug recommendation. Any word on the Etymotic earplugs? I've been considering ordering a pair.
LOL David 99.....that was funny.

OZfest shouldn't be nearly as riotous as, say, a Marilyn Manson concert. You will be fine...enjoy the music.