Todays Raido Stations suck

Is it just me, or does todays Radio suck?
When I was a teenager FM was cool, it had laid back D,jays and they played cool new music. That's were I first heard Alex Harvey, Hawkwind,Atomic Rooster,Zappa,The amboy dukes,
Robin Trower,Roxy music,BOC,Captain Beyond,Audience,
Bowie,Steely Dan,etc.

The AM of that day used to be Hit Radio, and played the top hits of the day.

FM today has become Hit radio, with a lot of cookie cutter stations all playing the same old hits, with a few of those old fm classic hits as well.

Does it only bug me, that they only play the one hit off the LP over and over again. When in fact the lp had even better tunes on it, but they never play them.

Recently with the advent of eBay, I have been able to collect a lot of rare and Great music that I never new existed before.

When my friends here the new tunes I have They get the same Idea that I always get, to start a new radio station that plays this unknown treasure. As well as the songs like "Candys gone bad" off of the Golden Earring lp with Radar love on it, you know the one.

You know what I'm talking about, am I alone here.

I must state that I live in a smaller town now, but we can still pick up the Jacksonville Florida stations.
Does this kind of practice go on all over the country?

The new music of today no longer interests me with Rap and the Rock of today all sounds the same, with only minor exceptions like Radiohead.

WHAT do you think, is their some stations that I could pickup on the internet that would satisfy my craving?

would you like to be able to get in you car and tune the radio to a station like the one I described?

Zaikesman very good post yes this is another problem we have had for a while now as someone stated earlier the people I don't know what to call most of them, They can't sing, write music, play interments. All they know how to do is sample others music, not all of them but you know for the most part this is true. The popular music of the day the stuff most of the kids listen to today is not music.
Yes I’m an old fart but when is the last time you saw a new good guitarist. Used to be almost every band had a guy who could do more than just play a few cords over and over.

They must be somewhere but where can you find them?
Rockinroni: You can find them all over the place.

Get your butt out and go to a club! Ask around about who is good and they are there to be discovered. My parents don't like the music I listen to, and I doubt I will like the music my kid listen to.

That doesn't mean there is a lack of good music out there.

You said it better and sweeter than I did: This coming from what at least half of you would call just another old
Unclejeff, I disagree with your analogy about the state of todays radio vs. 50 years ago - it was much more local and diverse then. You can pick a trivial tune off the hit parade, sure, but you're ignoring the rich stew of musics from which rock & roll developed. Also, you're confusing the continued evolution of a pre-established art form with the birthing of something really new - do you actually think that in our current mass-media climate, a new musical art form on the scale of rock & roll could spontaneously arise? I don't believe that's happening any time soon, and that the continued viability of rock as a post-golden-age but still-able-to-regenerate art form is being stifled like never before. Keep this up for long enough, and even the quality of the underground withers over time, as new generations coming up lack the exposure to a stimulating, organic artistic environment (remember, it's a pop art form, and that implies some degree of mass accessability and participation in its growth) that forms within them the raw material necessary for new important artistic movements. Rock is a dissapated and stratified art form whose remaining energy is either yoked to a money machine or toiling in obscurity, and whereas radio once nurtured it, it now does its best to squash the life out of it.