Better than Norah Jones...?

Ok here is a recommendation,an album I meant to buy for the girlfriend for a while (since 2002!) but just got round to this week.
To my ears,lighter but more substantial overall than Ms Jones mega succesful CD.
Light,Latin a bit jazzy mostly in Brazilian but very accessable and contemporary sounding without being over done.......
Audiogon,get to hear,take a chance and buy the lovely female vocals of..........
Bebel Gilberto-Tanto Tempo. (East West 0927-47407)
Rave reviews from Mojo,Blues& Soul,The Independent and The London Evening Standard,Q Magazine and a drunken Glaswegian.
Very much a summer record and whisper it better recorded than Norah Jones imho.
Also check out ORNA The Very Though of You (A440 musicgroup). She has a much sweeter tone than the current jazz singers, and she is accompanied by some notable musicians including Brian Bromberg who also produced the CD. Brian Bromberg has a good ear, and the CD is a decent recording.
Oh yeah! Try Fiona Apple - she seems to be even better than Suzanne Vega in her young days. I think Nora Jones is COMPLETELY overrated - interesting that she herself has the same opinion, isn't it?!
How very lucky you must be to hear Eva Cassidy for the very first time. Songbird, Live at Blues Alley, Imagine
Ooops only meant that as a recommendation not opinions on what is better than Norah Jones-doh.
But er good idea anyway.
I think Norah Jones is ok but...............