How many CD/LPs do you need?

At one time I had alot of CDs...maybe about 3000. I came to the conclusion that I would never listen to many of them, so I sold alot of them, but still, I was looking through my collection, and I have more than I could ever listen to in a lifetime. I was thinking, if I had 100 great CDs, I couuld listen to one per week, thoroughly, and never listen to the same thing in a 2 year span. Right now I am holding steady at 500 and now, every new addition has to be golden, where I love it and every song on it.

What about you?

As many good ones as I can afford and store. A musical software collection is just like a book collection in that it is a library of sorts.

I don't collect much new music, but concentrate on older stuff that is starting to get scarce (tons of music never made it to CD format).

Today I picked up:

"Everybody Loves H.B. Barnum" (RCA Mono, 1962)

"E. Power Biggs Plays Scott Joplin" (on pedal harpsichord)
Kinsekd, you have me pegged right. I am one of the guys that lives on minimalistic attributes. In fact, people often come over to my house and wonder if I am going poor because I almost have nothing around. It is very funny.

Dekay, I have the same view of books. Unless it is one of those books that deserves another read, I read it and pass it on to someone at work. That's me.

I have a similar view of clothing (don't like to own more than two weeks worth).

Guess we all have something that we feel this way about.
I do view my collection like a library-Garfish is right to point out this can indeed be a motivation in itself-I would be deluding myself if I didn't recognise this failing but many a happy mistake has been made or a grateful nod to a record I had ignored but wanted to listen to due to reading something or a recommendation by someone.........more I need more.........