Short speaker cable recommendation

Wondering if any one knows of a great speaker cable for really short application. Will be running from balanced Quicksilver V4 monoblocks bi-wired into Vandersteen 5A's. Could be as short as 12 inches. More likely 18".

I have been using Audioquest in the past. Their shortest length for any model appears to be 4 feet.

Any manufacturers offering wires this short? If I need to build them myself, any suggestions? Thanks!
Listening to my system today was a real joy. I continue to shake my head on the money I had spent in the past on wire. For $150 in total for wire, my system has never sounded better. I did not think this wire would better my wonderful cables. To say I am still shocked is an understatement. I have tried other highly touted griant killers and they never made it to that status, these do!
I'm so happy you are enjoying this combo of wire as much as I am. I keep pinching myself, thinking Day and Yazaki-san helped me find the sound I was looking for for cheap $ after all these years of spending $$$$ for wire that can't match this combo of WE and Belden. It's just amazing!
Is Belden 8402 usable balanced? My main inter-connect (between pre and power) is balanced, standard three pin. Doesn't that require co-ax cable? Is the Belden two-conductor with shield?