Short speaker cable recommendation

Wondering if any one knows of a great speaker cable for really short application. Will be running from balanced Quicksilver V4 monoblocks bi-wired into Vandersteen 5A's. Could be as short as 12 inches. More likely 18".

I have been using Audioquest in the past. Their shortest length for any model appears to be 4 feet.

Any manufacturers offering wires this short? If I need to build them myself, any suggestions? Thanks!
Mikirob, thanks for turning us all onto this based on your comments in another thread. You were spot on! Some will not be opened minded enough to believe this and others may think it is just another flavor of the day. Oh my I sure wish every Aphile would try some and learn first hand.

I suppose it is possible some systems and ears would prefer another set of wires. I feel very strongly that the WE16 wire should be doubled up and run with the Belden ICs for the full effect. Others have tried this and feel the same way. I just finished putting the WE wire in my speakers.
Where did the original go? Please tell us what you did as we are interested
in your final choice.
Thank you. I'm going to attempt your suggestion of doubling up the WE 16ga at some point today, plan on a weekend of listening. A side benefit to to me with this WE 16ga and Belden combo is that my wife also think it's the best combo we've ever had, she is really digging the sound now, and very enthused about listening. Like you said above I wish some of our Agon friends would give this combo a go.

Soon I will begin wiring up my speakers! change crossover and capacitor. Then it's Little Mo (Coincident Dynamo 34SE) turn. I'll make the the
capacitor, resistor, and wiring change there as well according to Yazaki-san sage advice. I'll keep you posted. Best, Rob
I finished putting the WE wire inside my speakers, my outboard crossover
and even inside both my amps! Sublime for sure.

Have fun with your projects!

May try the Arizona caps at $25 per cap. The Jupiter caps are so special I
am dragging my feet on this one. Not sure if I should get the blue or green
Catus. Called Arizona Cap and they were absolutely no help at all. They
have no idea what their caps sound like!

The Jeff Day article is vague at best on how to use both caps in general. It
seems like trial and error for each piece of gear by mixing the two. Not sure
I want to go there.....