Classic rock album covers

Is it illegal to make copies of album covers and sell as art? I have made some really cool wall art ( I dont know what else to call it ) and my friends always want me to do their favorite old lps for them to put in their home, listening rooms and even their offices.

Is there such a thing as free domain after a period of years? Are most of these people even alive ( remember it was mostly the 70's) or does it go back to the evil empires ...the record lables. Would this infringe on copywrite laws?

I have a 60k color printer and access to all paper stocks for a really impressive look ...

Give me some advice

You can't beat the Crimson King. A face some of us wear when we happen upon MTV. Another fav is "the Love Songs of A. Wilbur Meshel". A photo of a sad young man, eating a sandwich on a park bench, while a "Park Avenue" couple enjoys life in the background.
I like Jon Anderson's (Yes singer) "Olias of Sunhillow". Classic! Nektar's "Recycled" is serious psychadelic eye-candy (and ear candy, too!) Hawkwind's Space Ritual is another all-time great cover. Cover art is a lost art yadayadayada. Totally true.

As for legality, definitely illegal. Do them for friends, don't sign/id them, and keep them out of public places. For your den or rumpus room, though, you should never have a problem (hey, it's a "back up copy"!) Just can't sell them, I'm afraid.
"The Court Of The Crimson King" has always been one of my favorites also. There was a coffee house I was in some where in the early 70s that had a huge reproduction mural of both the full inside of the gatefold as well outside front and back. Another one I liked was "Looking In" by Savoy Brown. An album cover I also liked,while not a rock album,(orchestral) was "St Giles Cripplegate" by Jack Nitzsche sort of Bosh–Dali like illustrations.
don't know what the h**l these posts have to do with 70's rock, but THE classic rock album cover in my book is The Cars "Candy-0".