Your favourite recordings that everyone else hates

Any of you have favourites that were rejected by reviewers and / or the public in general ? Well, here's your chance to bare your soul and plead your case before the Audiogon Court of Jesters : )

How about discs that you love even though the recordings are decidedly "lo-fi" ? Bootleg's don't really count, but you can list them anyhow : ) Sean
I'm partial to "Who's a Funkadelic", which is verboten in many funk catalogs (the anti-George lineup). Also "Performance" and "Metromania" are 2 of my absolute favorite Eloy albums, though most found them to be a low point in Eloy's long career (Frank Bornemann won't even talk about them). Just because they tell you it's good/bad doesn't mean a thing!
Probably Yes "Close to the Edge" a really terrible sounding recording with harsh hashy hard sound but I am still emotionally tied to that music from my youth and even like it today although I certainly don't play it every day. "Close to the Edge" could make even the best speakers sound bad.By comparison Yes's "The Yes Album" made a few years earlier has much more natural sound, also "Going for the one" a few years later also cleaner more natural sound.
Rammstein here in America. I was just in Russia on a river cruise vacation though and some of the deck hands were listening to the band back away from the passngers. I couldn't speak Russian but when I said "Rammstein Rules!" I made a bunch of Russian friends. Oh, I'm 50 and the other passengers were older so you can imagine the sailor's suprise.

Another CD that everyone hates but I like is Alien Ant Farm.
Culture Club's new boxed-set. Boy George could sing with the best. The remastering process worked extremely well on the tracks included in this set.
Duran Duran was incredibly under-rated as a band. Their live shows are excellent, and (most) of the records were decent.
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