Your favourite recordings that everyone else hates

Any of you have favourites that were rejected by reviewers and / or the public in general ? Well, here's your chance to bare your soul and plead your case before the Audiogon Court of Jesters : )

How about discs that you love even though the recordings are decidedly "lo-fi" ? Bootleg's don't really count, but you can list them anyhow : ) Sean
Culture Club's new boxed-set. Boy George could sing with the best. The remastering process worked extremely well on the tracks included in this set.
Duran Duran was incredibly under-rated as a band. Their live shows are excellent, and (most) of the records were decent.
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Sean, rejected (or ignored) by the critics and the public, with bad sound (by audiophile standards), is an apt description of at least half my collection.
I'm with Zaikes here; most of the stuff I listen to was never reviewed. The vast majority of music lovers out there have never heard of, most what is in my LP collection.

I am still learning about so many lost treasures. Who needs contemporary music. With so much old GREAT 30 year+ stuff out there, 69/74 seems to be magic for me.