Medieval-style music

I'm trying to find good recordings of medieval-style music (not necessarily historically informed), based on music from Spain, France, etc. XI-XIV ages. I liked Les Jongleurs de la Mandragore from Quebec, and some recordings from Dorian, even Azam Ali. Can anyone recommend anything else? My system is... too revealing, so the recording quality is critical.
I was listening to Manheim Steamroller's "Fresh Air III" the other day and my daughter told me it sounded medieval even though it obviously uses modern instruments with old world sounding instruments. I would call it modern medieval music. I consider this album to be very well recorded. The first track, "Tacotta" is a great demo track. You may already know about the "Fresh Air" series, but if you don't, it might be worth your time to check it out.
You absolutely *must* get a copy of *A Feather on the Breath of God* - a collection of sequences and hymns by Hildegard of Bingen (died ca. 1179). This is on the Hyperion Label (CDA66039) and features performances by a group called Gothic Voices (Emma Kirkby is the principal soprano).

This 1984 release is exceptionally well recorded. The music is simply sublime. You will love it!

Another Hyperion title featuring the Gothic Voices is: "The Spirits of England and France" (Hyperion CDA66783). This one features the works of Gilles Binchois and his contemporaries of the 14th and 15th centuries. A 1995 recording, with very good sonics and surreal, airy music.
Any recording of the Terra Nova Consort on Dorian Records.
The one called Renaissance en Provence is stunning.
I've played some tracks on this disc to demo systems at the HE2003 and a lot of people really liked them.
Along with Slipknot1, I would recommend the whole Gothic Voices series on Hyperion, as they specialize in the period you're looking for. I particularly like "The Earliest Songbook in England", but there are about 10 of interest, all with reasonably good sound. "The Spirits of England and France" is a 5-volume series (at least), the first 3 of which had just that title, and the last 2 had subtitles of polyphonic masses.

MA Recordings has several early Spanish volumes, all with MA's recording quality: "Danzas Medievales Espanolas"," Calamus", "Salterio" (not quite as good sound), and if you go into the 15th century, "Mudejar".

On a Veritas label - "Les Premieres Polyphonies Francaises XI Siecle", by the Ensemble Gilles Binchois.

Certain of Anonymous 4 recordings, e.g. "Miracles of Santiago", and also several of Jordi Savall's recordings cover Spanish music of this period.