I'm certain that Dylan believed in his many messages. If he didn't, then I would think much less of him. I know I didn't address the "outing" of his real life as you mention but figured it was such common knowledge that it wasn't necessary. The criticism he received for going amplified was a joke, IMHO. The artist can do whatever suits his artisitic leanings. My hero, Neil Young, has always done it his way and I respect him more for it, as I do Dylan. Like Young, I respect Dylan for being a family man even with the broken marriage. I hold Bob Dylan in the highest regard even if I don't agree with some of his musical statements. He became the troubador he set out to be as well as a poet, social activist and whipping post. Who else has shoved a mirror in the face of society and made it look at the ugly side as successfully as him? While I don't believe the societal changes were a result of his efforts I do believe that he helped galvanize the youthful part and therefore brought about change sooner rather than later. I would like to know his IQ. I suspect he isn't just an artistic genius but rather a genius in the scientific sense as well. With the recent passing of Johnny Cash I reflect more on the good fortune I've had in experiencing, first hand, the gift of such talent. I only wish I could pass on what I've received.
I'm certain that Dylan believed in his many messages. If he didn't, then I would think much less of him. I know I didn't address the "outing" of his real life as you mention but figured it was such common knowledge that it wasn't necessary. The criticism he received for going amplified was a joke, IMHO. The artist can do whatever suits his artisitic leanings. My hero, Neil Young, has always done it his way and I respect him more for it, as I do Dylan. Like Young, I respect Dylan for being a family man even with the broken marriage. I hold Bob Dylan in the highest regard even if I don't agree with some of his musical statements. He became the troubador he set out to be as well as a poet, social activist and whipping post. Who else has shoved a mirror in the face of society and made it look at the ugly side as successfully as him? While I don't believe the societal changes were a result of his efforts I do believe that he helped galvanize the youthful part and therefore brought about change sooner rather than later. I would like to know his IQ. I suspect he isn't just an artistic genius but rather a genius in the scientific sense as well. With the recent passing of Johnny Cash I reflect more on the good fortune I've had in experiencing, first hand, the gift of such talent. I only wish I could pass on what I've received.