Head Hunters?

My musical tastes are constantly evolving. But, this album by Herbie Hancock reminds me of why I have invested the time and money into this hobby every time I listen to it.

Does anyone else have any "old school" funky-jazz recommendations. This is the one part of my collection that I really want to invest some time and money in.
Thanks for the suggestion Marsh...i just went out and picked up the SACD...and am loving it.

Try Osibisa, especially the 1st three albums. And get a load of those Roger Dean-authored covers!

Great responses, but I just have to recommend Chick Corea's "Romantic Warrior". Did I ever wear out the LP in my college days! If you like "Head Hunters" you should like "Romantic Warrior".

I actually prefer the follw-up to Headhunters titled Thrust. Superb drumming on both.
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