Natalie Merchant Fans

Get her latest "House Carpenters Daughter" - folk, bluegrass - recorded great.
I only own one Natty Cd, Tigerlilly but man that's a great recording! If I wanted to purchase a couple more what would you recomend? And please leave the maniacs out of it.
Glen, I think you'd definitely enjoy "Ophelia" if you liked "Tigerlilly." And although some people didn't like it, I rather enjoyed "Motherland." I will admit though, the first time I heard it, I didn't care for it. But I kept playing it just to see if it would grow on me, and it has, a great deal.

And Pops, thanks for the headsup. Will look for her new CD next time I'm at Towers.
I love her,,Motherland to,just got House Carpenters Daughter after a few listens fell in love with it
SERIOUSLY AWESOME DISC. Don't catagorize it as "Natalie Merchant" music. This is a disc of old traditional american tunes, a history study. But these songs have been arranged in such a grand manner, with shifts and swings. I never get bored at anytime throughout the entire discs.