Bit o' Nostalgia

How about a few songs that you'll always associate with your school days for one reason or another?

Sweet Home Alabama - burned into my memory from a dance with a high school crush, mostly - the amazement that she agreed to hit the dance floor. Should have waited for a slow one ...

Rock Lobster - Art/theater geeks writhing on the floor to "down... down... down..."

Another Brick In The Wall Pt II? - Remember it being pulled off the HS jukebox by some worked up teacher ("We Don't Need No Education")

We've Got Tonight - I didn't go to my HS prom, but I do remember this being the prom theme of the class o' 81...

Anyone else?
New Riders of the Purple Sage - "Panama Red"
Marshall Tucker Band - "Take the Highway"
The Who - "Baba O'Reilly", "My G-G-Generation", "Won't Get Fooled Again"

From when I was a little younger:
Rolling Stones - "Sympathy For the Devil", "Gimme Shelter"
Animals - "House of the Rising Sun"
appending my list:

Steppenwolf - "Born to be Wild", "Corrina", Actually anything from that album brings back memories every time I hear it.

Pink Floyd - "Dark Side of the Moon" remember hearing it for the first time summer '73 on a buddy's 8 track machine with the rear deck speakers using the trunk of his '71 Mercury Comet as a baffle, trunk open, dark starry summer night, cheap wine, bag of weed...(fill in the blanks)