What will you be playing to celebrate?

Now that mass-murder Saddam Hussein has been captured, what will you be playing on your system to celebrate? Quite a few tunes come to mind, but I think I'll start with Tesla's "Modern Day Cowboy."
So, what are you Viridian, the hall monitor? Does freedom of speech bother you only when faced with opposing points of view? If you do not agree with the majority of the posters here then step up to the pump and say something meaningful rather than a snide comment about this being a troll. Prior to the current conflict in Iraq these forums were a daily barrage of anti-US sentiments and we had to tolerate them, especially the never ending, "where is Saddam?" after the war began. Now we have him and you're not happy with that. Give us all a break, please. If you don't like this crowd you didn't need to even click on this link.
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It's unfortunate that you deleted your post. Then again, Audiogon will likely delete this entire thread soon rather than leave it for its historic value. "Some are just uncomfortable with viewpoints that conflict with their own"? That describes well the post you made disappear. Now this thread is mysterious.

So, Here's a question for you. If the war in Iraq was wrong, why has Lybia offered to dismantle its WMD program that it previously said didn't exist? Do you think it would have done so without the capture of Saddam?

Some of us served our country during Vietnam and remember well the way veterans were treated by the protesters. It's funny how the anti-Vietnam crowd rewrites their behavior 30 years after the fact. Nobody in that movement will admit to spitting on the returning soldiers and calling them baby killers. The tune played today is that they supported our troops then (and now) but opposed the war. Not. The truth is that the portesters were antagonistic toward returning troops.

Right or wrong, the political pressure to leave Vietnam made for a too hasty retreat. Several hundred thousand South Vietnamese were slaughtered by the North when we left. This isn't talked about in the never ending Vietnam debate.

For the record I didn't say anything about kids and playgrounds and to paraphrase my comments in that way shows a mean spirit of intolerance which was very apparent in the post you deleted. You made some pretty disparaging remarks about the posters here not representing the majority opinion in the US and that makes you wrong.

While I wouldn't accuse you of being less than sane I will say that you are wrong headed. Of course, that's my opinion on things and, as always, others may differ.
You are just partialy correct. Libya was already making the attempts to please West to lift the embargo, with accepting the responsibility for the downing of the Pan-Am over Scotland, and distanced themselves from the terrorism. Now, that was just over nine months before Iraq adventure. Timing for the additional concesions was just perfect Christmas gift for the Blair and Bush. Thsalmon, if you want to "indetify" me even further, we could meet eye to eye at the Las Vegas CES, and you -and everyone else - can express your REACTIONARY views directly. I am easy to contact!
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