CD Sound??

I have noticed that the CDs that sound the best in my system are all black like P. Barber Modern Cool, Sarah McLachlan Surfing and Yo-Yo MaMa SACD. My hearing or do the black CDs sound better? Where can I get CD-Rs to use that are black?

Thanks and Happy Listening
No, black CDs don't sound better. It's just a coincidence that you happen to like the sound of several that are.
CDs should be the same color as your speaker drivers or they will not sound as clear and detailed! :>)

You are on to something, no you are not insane, you may be
hearing a difference. Plextor, the industry satndard in cd/dvd burners have just upgraded thier burners with black
trays to minamize light difraction from the laser.
Also if you remember all those tweaks with the green pens,
that was also to absorm excess light.
Both Memorex and PNY diamond make black, blank cd-r's.
I use them both and swear by them. They cost a little more
but are worth it. Remember to reduce your burner speed to 1X to reduce errors and you will have an excellent copy.

good luck!
Read an interesting whitepaper on the Genesis Speaker web site re. blank Black CD's (address below). The Memorex brand of same, can be easily found on the www...