Anyone still do insightful or intelligent lyrics?

I have always loved lyrics as much as music and think that music I enjoy must be a combination of both good lyrics and good musicianship. I love some of Paul Simon's lyrics from as far back as the '60's. He was only 16 when he wrote "Sounds of Silence." There are dozens of other examples from Simon and Garfunkel.

Lyle Lovett has written some great lyrics i.e. "Simlpe Song."

Bob Seger, Jackson Browne, Hoyt Axton, John and Paul, Mick and Richard, Emmylou Harris, Gordon Lightfoot, and even Midge Ure have written things that impressed me, but I find very few people writing great lyrics anymore!

Is anyone writing intelligent, insightful lyrics anymore?
Although C&W is not my first choice, I totally enjoy Nanci
Griffith, her lyrics, voice and sound! "Other Voices/Other Rooms" got a lot of attention some years back.
Definitely Dylan, as someone else mentioned. "Love and Theft" is, like most of Dylan's songs, full of intelligent, challenging, and imaginative lyrics.

The only other person, IMHO, who writes intelligently (and emotionally) is the much unheraled Tom Ovans.
I'll second Regiolanthe's :

>> " XTC continue to be some of the wittiest lyricists around (okay - so they've been around for close to 30 years, but they're still going)" <<

For starters, grab XTC's "Skylarking" - you will not be disappointed.

To CDelplato RE XTC,

If you enjoy XTC (and looking at your threads, I can see that they are one of your favorites), I highly recommend that you pick up Martin Newell's "Greatest Living Englishman" (unless you already have it). He's a bit of an eccentric (also in a group called "The Cleaners from Venus"), who has produced quite a bit of low-fi (recorded in the basement type) CDs over the years. I - admittedly - only have "GEL", so I can't vouch for the rest of his stuff - but I'm sure it's smashing.

GEL was actually produced by Andy Partridge (and he does a lot of back-up drumming/guitars as well). It is definitely in the same mold (British pastoral pop, with social commentary thrown in for good measure), with great tunes.

See this all music write-up.
Clarification RE M Newell ...

Um, non-dyslexically, that would be GLE for Greatest Living Englishman