To CDelplato RE XTC,
If you enjoy XTC (and looking at your threads, I can see that they are one of your favorites), I highly recommend that you pick up Martin Newell's "Greatest Living Englishman" (unless you already have it). He's a bit of an eccentric (also in a group called "The Cleaners from Venus"), who has produced quite a bit of low-fi (recorded in the basement type) CDs over the years. I - admittedly - only have "GEL", so I can't vouch for the rest of his stuff - but I'm sure it's smashing.
GEL was actually produced by Andy Partridge (and he does a lot of back-up drumming/guitars as well). It is definitely in the same mold (British pastoral pop, with social commentary thrown in for good measure), with great tunes.
this all music write-up.