klipsch speakers,be honest

here's the deal,i have khorns & cornwalls,i struggled with the sound from them for what seems like a life time,i took some very sound advice from fellow ag members & it really paid off,it seems as im listening to them for the 1st time,i cant believe how good the sound is,anybody else ever been suprised by how good a pair of klipsch can sound when they are set up properly.

even if you hate klipsch speakers i can take it just dont bash them without an explaination of why you hate them,
be honest,i wont get offended.
I owned Heresey's and La Scalas. I loved them. But my tastes changed. They never had the detail and micro dynamics I wanted. Thus I moved to something that did--almost the opposite end of the spectrum--Electrostatics (great imaging, great micro-dynamics, but not as overall dynamic--and certainly not efficient). Anyway, I still think the older Klipsch are fabulous speakers--but they currently are not the right speaker for me, and perhaps you have come to the same conclusion.
I have built a vintage system with the Ported Industrial Heresey's, a Scott 340B receiver, and a Sony 5520 automatic turnrable. Although this system isn't as dynamic as my "big rig," the midrange when listening to jazz keeps me involved for hours. This combination keeps me wondering why I spent so much money buying all the newer gear.
Anyone who bashes Klipsch does not value the dynamics they provide as much as those who love klipsch. Dynamics is the most important factor in speakers second only to tone. Some value tone so much as to not care about dynamics at all- to each their own. Some value dynamics at the expense of tone- you cant have both in most cases. There is an inverse relationship to the two. Klipsch=great dynamics and ok tone which in just fine for many people. On the other side of the world is Quad=great tone and poor dynamics. Also fine for many people. if people would understand this trade-off and buy a couple of speakers to cover this divergance they would be a lot more happy instead of buying one and bashing the other concept.

The new Klipschorns possess amazing dynamics and GREAT tonality. These are not your grandfather's Khorns!
Joe: If you don't mind me asking, can you tips that you received be found on the web? If so, can you point us t them?

Marco: All "classic" Klipsch models need major surgery if you really want to hear what the drivers can do. These are speakers that were VERY much built to a price-point. The fundamentals are there, but the execution is quite lacking.

Dave: you can have dynamics and tone so long as you have enough power and your speakers don't go into compression at a rapid rate : ) Sean