
I've been listening to this album a lot lately, and it grows on me more and more everyday. While not regarded in the same class as Bafinger's Holy Trinity--"No Dice," "Straight Up," and "Wish You Were Here"--"Ass" is a remarkably good album, especially considering that it was initially rejected by Apple, which was in its death throes at the time. The songs are all of a high caliber, and even the weakest song on the set, the whimsical "Cowboy," is melodically compelling. I've always considered Badfinger one of the most underrated and undervalued bands in the history of rock. According to many, "Ass" was made when the band was in decline--when management problems, drugs, and stress within the band were exacting a heavy toll--but the more I listen to the album, the less I hear it that way. True, it's not going to make anyone forget the Big 3, but, with the right distribution and promotion, it easily could've been a hit album (as was the case with 1973's "Badfinger" and 1974's "Wish You Were Here"). But, as with most things in Badfinger's history, it all went wrong when it should've gone right. Which is a shame, because, as all of the Pete Ham--era recordings prove, these guys were superior musicians who deserved a far better fate. Guitar-based pop would not be the same without them. Maybe the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame will recognize their achievements one of these years. It's about time someone did. Any other Badfinger fans out there?

Actually, Lennon/McCartney did NOT write "No Matter What." That was a Pete Ham composition. You're probably thinking of "Come and Get It," Badfinger's first hit, which was written by McCartney.

Though it helped in the short-term, I think in the long term Badfinger's association with the Beatles was a hindrance to their legacy. They were never allowed an identity beyond their link to the Beatles, and I think that persists to this day. They were supremely gifted musicians--four talented singers AND songwriters, just like the Beatles--and, while I don't think they were as talented as the Beatles (who was?), they were pretty damn close. If a few things had gone their way--if they had had better management; if Pete Ham and Tom Evans hadn't committed suicide; if they had been allowed an identity beyond the Beatles--who knows what their legacy would be today. But, as it stands, they're widely (and erroneously) regarded as a decent little pop band that the Beatles helped discover and which had a few hits in the early '70s. There's so much more to their legacy, but few seem to care enough to look.
Try out Magic Christian Music. Carry On Till Tomorrow, Walk Out In the Rain, Angelique, Knocking Down Our Home, Dear Angie, etc, etc,.... just about every song is awesome. I first heard this album as a soundtrack to the film, The Magic Christian, in 1970. Ringo Starr was lead actor! I just have to hear this album at least once a month. Too bad Pete Ham left us much too early.

"Magic Christain Music" is a terrifc album. It's much more delicate, overall, than their later work, but tremendous nonetheless. It's their most Beatles-inspired album, I think. "Dear Angie" is one of my all-time faves.