blues recommendation

I dont really listen to any blues but would like thinking of a particular sound, something very basic, a guy, gravelly voice, just an acoustic guitar mabey a harmonica...very stripped down blues sound....well recorded of course...anyone know an album that fits this sound??
Check out Muddy Waters Folk Singer
Also Keb Mo fits the bill. I'm sure someone on here can recommend a specific title.
Muddy Waters Folk Singer is an exact fit and a truly fine album to boot.

early howlin' wolf! (Howlin' Wolf: Memphis Days - The Defintive Edition Vols. 1 & 2, Howlin' Wolf Rides Again)
You can try Mapleshades' excellent recording "Country Girl" by John Dee & Fris: Voice and guitar with some electric piano sprinkled around.
I also recommend Doug MacLeod "You Can't Take My Blues" on the Audioquest lable. It has a little more accompaniment, as does the above mentioned Muddy Waters, but the main focus is always the voice.
John Lee Hooker is also excellent, but recording quality and number of players varies.

And remember: "If you don't like the Blues, you have a hole in your soul".

Have fun, Ed
All good stuff, here. Also try Lightnin' Hopkins 'Goin Away. Killer...
Could go on and on, but I'll let my fellow audiophools have some fun. peace, warren