What music do you want to play really loud?

What music do you want to crank up your system for?
I want to know the title and the artist, any type of music.
My choice is The Wall by Pink Floyd.
"My favorite things" from the soundtrack of The Sound of Music - you know "Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens" rock on dude!!! Metal out with Julie Andrews and the Von Trapps!!! True 60's psychadelic - if you remember the movie then you weren't there. The hell with distortion - this tune is why you need 125 dB peak horns because nothing else can deliver the live experience at the Bijou.
Crank up some re-mastered Beatles. If you have a good system tell me what you think of "just seventeen" from their first album or "Day Tripper." Many more, just great LOUD!