Looking for an acoustic guitar recording..

I would love to find an excellent recording of acoustic guitar. I'm looking for one that is more towards the genre of pop/rock or country than towards classical. Something upbeat would be great. I don't mind if there are vocals, but my main focus hear is on acoustic guitar. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
I'm surprised that Ed Gerhard is not mentioned in this thread. His "Live Album" is an excellent recording. "Luna" as well.
Ray's mention of Alison Krauss brings up Jerry Douglass, her band's primary soloist (dobro & acoustic guitar). He has a set on her live cd that is terrific and is - I think - available on SACD, if you have that capability. His solo records are great too.

My choice for "underrated" acoustic guitar goes to Marshall Crenshaw. He's always been an A List songwriter, but he's quietly become a stunningly good player over the years. Check out his Greatest Hits Live Acoustic (or something to that effect). It's a $5 cut-out that has amazing music, played amazingly and pretty well recorded, to boot.

If you can find Richard Thompson's live "2 letter words", it also fits the above description - although Thompson is hardly underrated. He's merely the best (or close to it) and pretty well known as such.

Good Luck,

You absolutely must hear the cd "Guitar Fingerstyle" on the Narada Lotus label.I know what youre all t hinking: hmmmmm,Narada=New Age. A few cuts are, but not all-judge after you listen! Beautifully recorded, many different guitarists and styles, and in the liner notes they tell you what guitar was used as well as a short blurb on each artist. No classical!--Mrmitch
Get Dominic Frasca's "Deviations" ... claimed to have been performed "on solo guitar in real time with no loops, overdubs, or other instruments" ... all done on the first and only take. You will be left speechless.