Jazz CD suggestions for evening ambience

I'm wondering what Audiogoners might suggest in terms of (fairly) widely available Jazz CDs for a tasteful restaurant (asian fusion cuisine, large metropolitan setting). I'm helping with the aural planning so to speak. At the moment we find Bill Evans well-suited to ideal; Thelonious Monk provides great ambience but is at times a bit too pensive and slow for this particular environment; Marvin Gaye supplies ample classic retro from time to time, but is a tad too recognizable. All comments/suggestions &/or pointers are greatly appreciated.
Both of these are nice in the background, but also excellent for focused listening. If your customers notice this music, it may bring a smile.

Pat Methany - One Quiet Night (or others by Methany)
Charlie Haden and Pat Methany - Beyond the Missouri Ski
Ralph Towner/Gary Burton - "Matchbook" I would describe this as similar in ambiance to Pat Metheny - "One Quiet Night". And I haven't heard and better albums with vibes.
Jazz is such a wide genre now that one really shouldn't classify as one thing and not the other and restrict it.

Kind of Blue is such a frequently played album that it is good for all kind of moods. It doesn't stop being a reference for students, good music for the casual listener, and an album worth listening to for professional musicians.
Miles Davis - In A Silent Way
Chris Botti - Night Sessions
Pat Methany - One Quiet Night

Also, check out Tone Ghost Ether ;