HDCD, any new titles coming out?

Is HDCD still around? I have not seen any new releases that I have purchased that has it. What are some of the new things or reissues that have HDCD?
I listen to almost all types of music. Most of it, however, is country. A lot of the recent country albums are HDCD.
I heard that Microsoft had bought Pacific Microsonics and that the first thing they did was to pull the plug on HDCD - I could be wrong. (in fact I hope I am, I just recently bought the Classe CDP 1 with an 'HDCD' decoder.) Anyone else hear about this nasty rumour ?
The HDCD website does not seem very up-to-date. In fact, I have look at it pretty extivensively and have found a lot of mistakes and CDs that are HDCD that are not included there. I have found that CDs encouded with HDCD on my Cary 308 to be VERY SWEET. I hope more new releases or reissues are HCDC.