What do you NEVER want to hear again???

Are there any CDs that will make you flee from an audio showroom at the approximately the same velocity as a line drive hit by Barry Bonds? I often wonder what the musical thought process is that is excercised by trade people when demonstrating gear, particularly at shows.
I'm sure there are a lot of details to think about before a show, and about the last thing on the mind of a busy sales/manufacturing type is choice of demo music, but does anyone else wish that there was a better variety of interesting music to listen to?

My own nominees are:

1. Norah Jones - Come Away With Me
In particular track #1, "Don't Know Why". I can't even tolerate the instrumental intro anymore.

2. Patricia Barber - Cafe Blue
"Too Rich For My Blood"; an unwitting anthem for some of the equipment displayed?

I certainly mean no disrespect to the artists involved here - it's not their fault that the CDs keep getting slapped into players, and I'm sure that there has been a modest increase in CD sales from so much exposure, I merely wish that I had been allowed to get sick of the recordings on my own instead having been subjected to repeated listenings.

So how 'bout it people - what do you NEVER want to hear again? Comments from those in the industry are quite welcome by the way - I'm sure there some logic to what music is being played and why....
Rhapsody in Blue. Overrated, and far worse is what United Air has done to it. I've spent way too long on hold with them, and now even on Hi Fi my ears are trained to hear it as if it's coming from a telephone speaker and about to be interrupted by a voice-over recording telling me how friendly they and their skies are.