Jazz Recs for Classical Music Fan - Challenging

Having acquired 1000s of classical CDs (probably more than I could ever listen to), I think that it is time to start with some Jazz. I know there are a lot of forums, websites, and books that give much great advice on how to approach the subject. However, I am looking for more particular recommendations. Perhaps some fellow posters with classical tastes in the Romantic and Modern eras could give some recs that would nicely bridge the gap. I've tried to make my way into Jazz a couple of times, but haven't been successful to date. Perhaps someone here can help me make the breakthrough.

Here are some of the things I am looking for:
1) Decent recordings. This probably means something from the 60s, forward. A little tape hiss is OK, but excessively remastered or noisy recordings are not what I'm looking for. I know that many of the great recordings are from the 30s through the 50s, and I have ordered a couple of those.
2) Naturally recorded. No amplification, no over-miking, good engineering. Vocals should be minimally or not amplified. Soundstage needs to be realistic. The venue should be apparent. No 50 ft clarinets and vocals eminating from the entire soundstage.
3) Acoustic instruments. I do not like electronic music.
4) No divas-come-lately. I don't care to hear the latest 22 year old with a big voice, amplified and electronically filtered to 'perfection', a pretty album cover, and a marketing campaign to tell me how great she is.
5) Emotional content. Not just for tapping your foot or for background music.
6) Great performances. Not just something that came out last month with high recommendations in the press.
7) Probably smaller ensemble pieces. Vocals, piano, quartets, etc.
8) There may be some labels that have classical and jazz recordings that overlap (?ECM).

Miles Davis - "Kind of Blue"
Bill Evans Trio - "Waltz For Debbie", "Sunday at the Village Vanguard", "Moonbeams", "New Jazz Conceptions"
Coleman Hawkins -"Nighthawk"
Sonny Rollins - "Saxophone Colossus", "Way Out West"
Dave Brubeck - "Time Out"
Gary Burton/Chick Corea - "Crystal Silence"
Art Pepper - "Meets The Rhythm Section"
Ella Fitzgerald - "Clap Hands Here Comes Charlie"

There are so many great ones out there, but the ones I've listed above meet your criteria as well as being very accessible musically.
I second the Bill Evans. No pretty album covers with him on them.

Lee Konitz & the Axis String Quartet "Play French Impressionist Music from the 20th Century" Palmetto PM-2064, a gap bridger for you. A veteran saxophonist with help from some classical guys.

Carla Bley "Fancy Chamber Music"

Charles Lloyd's stuff on ECM. Some of it is a bit strange but some of it is mesmerizing. Try "All my Relations" or "Canto" on ECM or "Acoustic Masters I" on Atlantic.
Dave Grusin - Homage to the Duke (very well recorded, one of my favorite albums)

Dave Brubeck - The Essential (this is a 2003 two disc set put out by Columbia with 31 of his better recordings.)
If you are looking for some of the more adventurous and challenging jazz look at the Hat and Leo labels, they also overlap into the chamber modern classical vein from time to time. They both usually have excellent natural recordings without much gimmickry done to them. They are a little hard to find but worth seeking out.

From the look of your system you've got some good times ahead of you.