"Instant Live" - anyone heard of this compay?

The are an outfit that travels with different groups and records their concerts and sells them on CD directly after the show. I have about 5 of them from the Allman Brothers, which are excellent sound quality. Instantliveconcerts.com.
Are they the group that used to do this for the Dead? If so, they were under the umbrella of the larger corporation that the Dead became.

A great idea, and one heck of a money maker, something the Dead had down pat. Regardless of what you think of the music those guys were/are one great business.
They are actually a spin off of Clear Channel entertainment out of Cambridge Ma, I had the good fortune of meeting Steve Simon who was one of the founders of this devision he is a real neat guy the night we met was at an Allman Brothers concert a couple of years ago in Hartford he was standing there watching his product go out like a proud papa would I sized him up as being involved and struck up a conversation and was glad that I did. Top shelf guy and a top shelf product from a heads up company

Did he say whether the company was started by Clear Channel or bought up by them?

I'd be surprized to find out they started it, their business model has been acquisition, not invention.

None the less, I think the idea, whether started by the Dead, Clear Channel, or someone else is great
The Dead has nothing to do with "Instant Live", which is correctly stated as being owned by Clear Channel. I'm not sure who started them but it wasn’t the Dead and believe me they are not a good thing. Sure you can get your live CD after the show but what they are trying to do is monopolize the whole live/after the show CD thing. Believe it our not they are outrageously claiming that they own a patent on they technology used to record concerts and create live CD's after the show.

They are threatening law suits to anyone who attempts to record their own concert and sell them after the show. If in fact they do have a patent on this the boys in Washington are incredible stupid to issue them one. This is a service not an invention or new technology. They didn't invent mics, recorders, burners, etc. It is the most outrageous claim I have ever heard. It is like picture framers and galleries claiming that they have a patent on paintings and that all artists owe them royalties if they are going to try to sell their painting. Or Denny's saying they own a patent on srambled eggs, or Starbucks owning a patent on a walk in cup of coffee. Well, I think you get the picture.

What started out as a way for artist to make money on their art has ended up being taken over by a greedy corporation that is looking to monopolize the market place and squeeze more money out of the system. There are many bands that are refusing to play at Clear Channel venues because of this. In turn Clear Channel has refused to play their songs on their radio station.

Here is the greater picture. Clear Channel owns many, many radio stations, they are buying many, many music venues, and they are attempting to own the production and distribution of live music..........smells like a monopoly to me!!!!!!!!!
Also, if bands don't agree to their terms they are refusing them the ability to play at their venues.