Why so much????

In response to a post appearing here yesterday a number of 'AGon-people' claimed to have CD and vinyl collections numbering in the hundreds and even thousands. Other posters questioned the need for so much music (impossible to listen to all of it!) while others spoke of a pissing contest among the 'overly endowed'.
Your thoughts are requested for the following questions:
1) How much is too much?
2) To those with so much...Why? What's your rationale?
3) Are you crazy?

Just curious. I'll give my thoughts later.
i got over 400 Cd's and only about 20-30 of them ever find themselves in my player. most of mine are junk, or albums in which i was disappointed after i heared it.

You gotta dig in the dirt to find the gold eh?

I cannot imagine having over 1000 cd's. No problem with it i guess, but i would lose track of everything pretty quick
I'm with Kal also.

As for myself, I have about 3,000 CD's and 250 SACD's (the latters are mostly hybrids). I listen to all kinds of music but about 65% of the collection is classical (vocal, opera, symphonic, chamber). In this repertoire, there are many valid interpretations of the same piece, hence the need to collect many versions. What is currently spinning depends on the mood. I'd rather satisfy my hunger for software than spend the money on hardware upgrades just to hear a few discs over and over. There is so much great art out there begging to be discovered.
But this is just me. Crazy me.
1.too much is when you buy a second copy forgetting you already have one
2.because I like music and I feel it is and investment in my past
Post removed 
I am the person who started the other thread Ashra is reffering too. My motives behind it had nothing to do with the quantity of anyones collection, just the ratio of hi-rez to redbook and the quantity of hi-rez formats in some audiophiles collections- and based on the replies I got, my theories from that thread are true. But I digress...

1.)How much is too much? that's such a relative question, as Eldartford said any classical music lover probably has a much larger collection then a non-classical fan(I have over 60 discs by one classical composer, and I wish I had more!). Then there are some groups(like the Greatful Dead for example) who have cult like followers that have literally hundreds of there discs. Music is about enjoyment, fun and in some cases an emotional connection- the quantity required to fulfill your needs may be large or you may be content with 12 recordings. Some say quality over quantity some say too much is never enough. Who's right? I don't know. I have bought duplicates of discs I already owned, and I don't think I am "there yet". To me too much is when you need a database to keep track of it(for me that would mean over 10,000 titles)

2.) Why so much?? because there are still musicians I don't know about, music is a voyage- and I enjoy it a lot. And any night I want to have a voyage I can go from listening to Greg Brown, to Rodrigo, to Dave Mathews, to Beck, to Bach and then back again if my little heart desires it. When I have enough music that I am no longer looking for new material then I will truly be a happy audiophile.

3.) Am I crazy?? I have to quote Ozfly, who said it perfectly
Absolutely. Otherwise I wouldn't be in this hobby.