Like the previous poster, I don't own this specific recording on SACD, but I do have a number of SACDs in my collection. I'm fortunate enough to have both a dedicated CD player as well as an SACD player and to be quite honest, if you have a high quality CD player you don't need an SACD player. That I found out via direct comparison between the two players (in 2-channel mode) using the same hybrid SACD in both, using electrostatic speakers by Martin Logan (which I believe are best suited for such comparisons as they bring out details that most mid-priced cone speakers are unable to deliver).
In your case I belive it is the recording that suffered not your system and I don't think an SACD player can save it.
For your own information, I found the SACD hype to be just that, more hype than fact. I find slightly better air present with SACD players, better feel for the size of the room where the recording took place but the music is the same, especially orchestral music (I own Beethoven's symphonies 1-9 on SACD and the CD player sounds just as good). For vocals there is slightly (slight is too big, less than that) more natural timbre but that depends on the player you use, as said already a good CD player will correct all that (try Audio Aero products to see what I mean, I use an Audio Refinement CD player which is nowhere near the Audio Aero Prima Cd player and it already matches my Marantz-8300 SACD player).
Good luck.
In your case I belive it is the recording that suffered not your system and I don't think an SACD player can save it.
For your own information, I found the SACD hype to be just that, more hype than fact. I find slightly better air present with SACD players, better feel for the size of the room where the recording took place but the music is the same, especially orchestral music (I own Beethoven's symphonies 1-9 on SACD and the CD player sounds just as good). For vocals there is slightly (slight is too big, less than that) more natural timbre but that depends on the player you use, as said already a good CD player will correct all that (try Audio Aero products to see what I mean, I use an Audio Refinement CD player which is nowhere near the Audio Aero Prima Cd player and it already matches my Marantz-8300 SACD player).
Good luck.