Jax2 - I have the DCC remastered version of 'Blue' on CD and it is so obviously better than my ancient non-HDCD original CD release. My original CD copy dates back to the mid-80s. I cannot speak to the quality of any remasters other then the DCC. The main difference is that there is actually some treble information on the DCC remaster. My old CD sounds like it was mastered from a 5th generation production copy. The high freqs are just completely washed out. Luckily Joni's voice is still well preserved on the original CD, but her acoustic guitar seems to have lost its top two octaves. In this case DCC clearly did a better job in tracking down low-generation source tapes to master with. Additionally, the DCC CD remaster is so good I will never need another two-channel version of this recording. The same can be said for Weather Report's 'Heavy Weather' CD which received Sony's Mastersound 20bit SBM remastering a few years ago. It is so good I'll never need another two-channel version. If you're interested in Weather Report on SACD check out 'Mysterious Traveler' which I do not believe has been remastered in the past. Probably my favorite SACD release.