What is the one CD you can't find?

Years ago I had listened to an audiophile test album with a white cover and little credits to go on the back side. I fell in love with it immediatly. The owner of the album was kind enough to make me a tape but would not part with it at any price. Later I discovered that members of the band Steps Ahead played on it, and even released one of the tunes on their cd. I have searched for years to find it on either cd or vynal yet have never come across it.This would be my greatest find. Just wondering how many others have a similar situation.And what is the one cd you just can't get?
thanks Mags5000, i saw that...i was hoping for something less than 50 bucks. shoulda bought it when i saw it used a few years ago for 14 in my local shop
Don't know if it was issued on CD, but would love to have Robert Palmer's Some People Can Do What They Like.

Is this it?


Seems a little expensive, no?
its never been released....jerry jeff walker's-its a good night for singin'.........charles llod/chico hamilton-nirvana.....friends by feather....leslie gore-love me by name....the tremblers......at least 50 more
My Latest quest is Pat Travers Black Pearl. I belive it was issued on CD and then pulled of the racks. If anyone can find this pearl I would be amazed and gratefull.

Happy New Year to all!!!