Favorite Lesser Known Sax Players

Trane, Rollins, Bird, Desmond, Getz, Hawkins and Lester Young are names that are oftened invoked when the subject of great jazz sax players is brought up. Who are some of your favorite, albeit lesser known, sax players and your favorite recording of theirs? As a sax hack, I'll offer the following suggestions to chew on:

Willis 'Gator' Jackson - Call of the Gators
Red Holloway - In the Red
James Moody - Don't Look Back Now
Tina Brooks - True Blue
King Curtis - Night Train
Serge Chaloff - Blue Serge
David Sills, Journey Together is excellent, (i think the Naxos list price is $6.98). His Bigs disc is great too, maybe even recorded a little better. The Acoustic Jazz Quartet discs he's on are also really good, but i like the above titles more.
Wow! I've got a lot of exploring to do. The only others I might see missing that I know of are Scott Hamilton and Gene Ammons. Great list folks!
Ejlif.. whoa that's some great stuff!!

Here's some more to throw on the fire:

Aaron Bennett, (Go Go Fightmaster)
Edgar Hoffmann, (Embryo)
Kalaparush Maurice McIntyre
Fred Hess
Tobias Delius (The Heron, w/Han Bennink !!!)
David Jackson, (Van der Graaf Generator)
Charles Papasoff
Co Streiff, (Qattara is a good start)
Claudio Fasoli, (Perigeo)
Klaus Doldinger, (early Passport)
Charlie Kohlhase
Johannes Pappert, (Kraan)
Jerry Bergonzi
George Khan (Mirage, Solid Gold Cadillac)
Dave Rempis
Mark Harris, (Thinking Plague)
Steve Coleman
Gary Thomas
Kazutoki Umezu
Gilbert Artman, (Urban Sax)
Jindra Dolansky, (Uz Jsme Doma)
Diego Marion, (Trio Poursuite)
Phil Bancroft, (Trio AAB)
Gianluigi Trovesi
Mark Gilbert, (Chainsaw Jazz, Vector)
Donny McCaslin
Skerik, (Critters Buggin')