recommended redbook classics

I won the entire Telarc classical CD catelogue back in the early eighties, just as I was converting from vinyl (it pays to send in those contest cards!) Since then I have bought very little classical music.
I am now looking to upgrade my core most famous and loved pieces by each composer with the finest available now (twenty years later on redbook). Finest is defined as a wondrous performance, beautifully recorded - spirit and soul win over interpretive accuracy.
Any recomendations would be welcomed for recordings of pieces such as Bach's Tocatta and Fugue in D Minor, Beethovens Fifth, Third and Ninth, Chopins Etudes, Greig Piano Concertos, Shuberts Unfinished, Berloiz Symphony Fantastic, Rachmaninov's Scherazade, etc? Treasureable recordings of any of the top 100 classical pieces???
I sugest you eschew the "beautifully recorded" requirement and go for the musical performance.
Of course each has his or her own favourite, "best" performance. Here are some ideas.
For Beethoven look for Furtwangler /Berliner or Wiener. There is also a good performance of the 9th recorded at Beireyth after WW2. Also look for Karajan's old (1962?) Beeth cycle. Generally, you can find outstanding performances of individual symphonies...

For Chopin look up Schnabel and Gould.

For Berlioz look for Munch /Radio Canada SO (unusual recommend, I know) Munch/Boston, Sir Thomas Beecham/ Orch National de la Radiodiffusion Francaise. The latter is outstanding and was my reference for a while.

For Scheherazade (Rimski-Korsakov -- not Rach), look up Ansermet/OSR, Sir T Beecham/RPO.

For E Grieg piano, look for Karajan/Zimmermann, Schwarovski/Langer.

These come to mind
Thanks for the suggestions, Gregm. I agree that stellar performance is more important than recording quality but I am hoping that, while rare, both can be found together and the amazing goners will know about it.
I know that I have heard some brilliant soloists lately. Not sure what orchestras are magic at this time. Apologies to Rimski (late night and jet lagged from Vegas return). Also really looking for a a great version of Vilvaldi's Four Seasons.
Great question. has a recommended list that they rated 10/10 for both "Artistic Quality and Sound Quality", that might be a good resource if you have not already seen it. But I'd also like to see what other Gon'ers think on this topic.