Not recognized in their lifetime?

I have appreciated the composer Bach for some time, and was startled to learn this week that he was ignored and abused during his own lifetime. The music that he wrote covers a broad range of types and styles, though it was mainly written to be performed in church. It is majestic and mathematical at the same time. Johann Sebastian Bach died poor, and his wife died in a home for destitute women.. On her death bed she was quoted as asking God not for anything for herself, but that her husbands music should live on.

At age 11 Mendelson , took a liking to Bach’s work. It was not till Mendelson's love for Bach's work that it became popular. Unfortunately Mendelson was abused physically and mentally for his appreciation of what was considered musical exercise. Mendelson, a Jew, left the school he attended, was baptized as a Lutheran and began to study the work of Bach. When Mendelson began performing the music of his mentor, Bach was accepted as the genius that he was.

Which other people can you think of that were neglected in their own lifetime, but have been recognized since as having something great to offer to the world of music?
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haven't heard the jadis or quad, but i love my cary mono amps. the music just pours out of them like liquid joy. if the used jadis is the same price as the new cary, then i would tend to figure that the jadis cost more than the cary. not that more expensive pieces of gear or necessarily better sounding, but that is the case sometimes. good luck with your decision. i'm sure you can't go wrong either way.
This list is way too large but I'd menion
Schuman and Paganini for the beginning.