Which SACD of Jazz at the Pawnshop sounds better?

Hi all,
I'm a newbie who just purchased his first SACD player, the Marantz SA-11. I see that there are two SACD versions of Jazz at the Pawnshop: the double disk version from First Impression Music and a single disk version from Proprius. Which is better in terms of sound quality? The single disk version has most of the songs I like. But if the double disk version has better sound quality, then that's what I'll get. Thanks.
You say you listen to music that makes you happy and that people enjoy "Jazz At the Pawnshop". I'll take you word on both those points. I'll readily concede that happy enjoyable music has its place, but I question whether you should call such comfort music Jazz. Good jazz has a real edge to it that never allows the listener to get too comfortable. NC for the lecture.

Am I being a snob? Yes I Am! Should my opinion of "Jazz At the Pawnshop" in any way lessen your enjoyment of the disc? You tell me.

P.S. Pat Boone's still around too.
Who needs JAP?! I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy just reading this discussion!!

Ohywy61, I'm just having a good time fooling with ya :-) My purpose for listening to music is different than yours. I don't want to be uncomfortable listening to music. Excitement, yes! Sadness, yes! Happiness, yes! Pain/discomfort/boring, no! I've had my fill of wondering (improvisational) jazz - everytime I listen to it I wonder what in the hell I'm listening to and get Sunday church bored. Music is not highly subjective, it is all subjective. Have fun with your unconfortable jazz. Hey what's wrong with Pat Boone? I thought his sister was hot! She lit up my life :-)

Onhwy61, does this mean that you really like listening to Schoenberg, Webern & Berg and their 12-tone rows? Or perhaps John Cage? They definitely make me uncomfortable, and if that's the definition of "better" music, makes me wonder why I ever listen to Bach.

This could lead into an interesting discussion of why we like what we like. But preferrably in a thread about that.
It's clearly too late to save Dracule 1, but if my rantings can prevent just a single young audiophile out there from having to hear "Jazz...", then my life has served some purpose.

"See that girl, watch that scene, diggin' the Dancin' Queen" - now that's my idea of great Nordic music.