Non-Copy Controlled Coldplay X&Y

I need help finding where I can obtain a copy of Coldplay X&Y without the dreaded Copy Controlled protection. The Copy Controlled disc (Canadian version) doesn't play on my emmlabs CD transport without crackling and poping noises.

Does the American version or UK version have the CC logo on the disc and/or packaging ?
Thanks for the heads up Thom

Was going to purchase this today but forget it now.

You are going to be running into this a lot. I would definately let emmlabs know so they can correct this issue for you...

I spoke with emmlabs this afternoon and they said the problem is an interaction between the Cactus layer of copy protection and the Philips software/hardware. They said two possible solutions: depending upon the software version of the CDSD, a more recent software update may correct the problem. Alternatively, they recommended removing the Cactus copy protection by burning a copy of the original CD using CDclone, which can remove the offending Cactus layer and do a direct bit to bit transfer of the music data. Unfortunately, this means that you have to duplicate your disc and use a CD-R which may be more prone to scratching etc.

I wait to hear back from emmlabs.